We value your patronage

Collecting Personal/Business Information

When ordering products, we may ask you for some personal/business information. The information we collect depends on but is not limited to your method of payment.  We may need to collect such items including but not limited to: Name( First and Last), Company Name, Company Contact, Street/Business Address - including but not limited to Street, City, State, Country, and Zip Code-  (for shipping purposes), Credit Card Number, Expiration Date (credit cards), Check Number, Account Number (checks), Phone, and Email.

Use and Control of Personal/Business Information

After you have registered your personal/business information, the site may store your information which will be automatically reentered electronically upon request during revisit and purchasing of items from this site (for up to seven days). This site does not  retain personal information for any reason other than processing a purchase, personal/business contact in the event there is a question regarding your purchase or payment method, or reentering information electronically by this site for more efficient purchasing.

Security of Personal/Business Information

Neither BlueWater Islands, Pro Publishing, IconixInk, nor Classic MapArt (companies represented or in control of this site) will release or sell any personal/business information collected via this site to any other company or person. We retain your personal information for shipping, billing, and company tracking purposes only. 
